Registration & Membership

On-line registration and membership is now open.  

Registration, which is mandatory for all players, automatically registers you as a member and includes insurance. There are a number of options depending on your particular situation and you can also upgrade your membership to participate in the monthly members draw. 

Registration & Membership

Registration costs are as follows:-

·        Playing Adult: €100

·        Adult Student Player, G4M&O, Social, Rounders: €50

·        Juvenile Players: €35

·        Juvenile Family of 2: €70

·        Juvenile Family of 3 or more: €100

·        Team Managers and Coaches: €50

·        Registration and entry into Monthly Members Draw: €150

Monthly Draw

You can sign up for our monthly draw for €12.70 per month which entitles you to Full Membership, entry into a monthly draw for three cash prizes and an annual draw for an All Ireland Ticket.